‣ David has served vessel owners and their P&I clubs as a commercial U.S. correspondent for 35 years. He is a licensed Master Mariner with 15 years of practical seagoing experience. David is a problem solver, a team builder, and a highly experienced claims handler, well known and respected in the P&I correspondent community.
‣ His initiative stems from David’s strong empathy for mariners, and his conviction that they need and deserve a high level of support when they are dealing with an illness around the U.S. coast, or need immediate medical assistance following an accident.
‣ David also strongly believes that the very high costs of medical treatment for mariners in the U.S. can be dramatically reduced, providing significant cost savings to IMC's clients, and that the process can be made far more efficient.
‣ Master Mariner, with 15 years of seagoing experience on a wide variety of ocean going vessels.
‣ Established Haight Gardner Consulting, LLC in 1997, dedicated to servicing the needs of Assuranceforeningen SKULD.
‣ Former Vice President and Manager of Hull Claims Department with Scandinavian Marine Claims Office, Inc.
‣ Nearly four decades' experience handling Hull and P & I claims with Independent Maritime Consulting LLC., Scandinavian Marine Claims Office, Inc. and Lamorte Burns & Company.